“Blue”, Vella ft. videoclip The Blue’s (Vella ft. Macy Gray) music video, produced in partnership with LimeLight Animation and released in 2021.
The idea was to show an emotional journey of friendship, confidence and transformation between Vella’s character and her best friend, a giant caterpillar.
Besides the characters that were based of Vella and Macy Gray themselves, we took inspiration from the 1941s Disney movie “Fantasia” to create our magic universe. Despite being a drama, we decided from the beginning to tell the story with humor, irreverence and psychedelia.
This was the project with the biggest animation team we’ve worked with here at Ilustrograma, with seven animators in total.
Blue was created without a main script with all the scenes, only a inicial synopsis of the idea. So we had the freedom to create all of the story sequences directly in the storyboard – that we produced in black and white on Storyboard Pro to show the entire film.
To show the various atmospheres in this universe and how they progress during all the transformations in the story, we created the color script, simply coloring all of the frames in the Storyboard.
Here we show a bit of the process behind the scenes of the music video, that was created by our team in four months. Each step, from the inicial sketch to the final details, were designed in a way that the animation turned out delicate and surprising.
Client: L3V3L
Post-production company: LimeLight Animation.
Director: Henrique Neumann
Storyboards: Henrique Neumann.
Illustration: Henrique Neumann.
Animation: Henrique Neumann
Antonio Ganzer
Bruno Felipe Feliciano
Bruno Anderson de Jesus
Leandro Franco
Maria Antônia Petrassi
Marina Zucchi